This free event promises to be an eye opener about the issue of Human Trafficking in our community and beyond. Human Trafficking is a borderless crime, and this is why we have invited guests who are experienced to talk about it from different angles. IJM, or International Justice Mission, is an organization that specializes in international rescue operations. RAGAS is the Rotary Action Group Against Slavery, which is a global Rotary initiative focused on working with NGOs and governments to help end human trafficking, while Peel Police reps will help us learn safety tips, how to spot a situation, and more about local rescue operations.
Join us and invite others to help protect children from this ruthless crime (Appropriate age: 18+).
Date: March 5, 2025, 7:00-9:00 PM
Venue: Vic Johnston Community Centre in the Hazel McCallion Hall. 335 Church St, Mississauga.
Register at or send an email to inquire about sponsorship opportunities.